BL BM BP BR BS EJ25 FA20 FA20T FB20 FB25 GE GH GP GR GT metalmani plasticmani SH SJ VASTI VAWRX

e_code, b_code, mani_type

Subaru Radiator Drain Plug 2008-2021 WRX/STI

BL BM BP BR BS EJ25 FA20 FA20T FB20 FB25 GE GH GP GR GT metalmani plasticmani SH SJ VASTI VAWRX

e_code, b_code, mani_type

  • Original equipment Subaru drain plug for the radiator.

    Fits the following Subaru models:

    • 2008-2021 WRX and STI.
    • 2005-2014 Outback
    • 2008-2023 Impreza
    • 2009-2018 Forester
    • 2013-2023 Crosstrek



  • SKU#: 13386GR

    Shipping Weight: 0.5 lb

    Supplier: Subaru

    Category: Cooling System